What do you mean by Angular Universal?

Angular Universal is a technology that is used to render Angular applications on the server. This process is called SSR (server-side rendering). A simple Angular application is executed on the browser as all the Angular applications are single-page applications, so the rendering always occurs on the browser. This process of rendering single-page applications is called … Read more

What are the benefits of using Template-driven forms in Angular 8?

Template-driven forms in Angular 8 offer several benefits: Easy to Understand and Use: Template-driven forms use Angular directives in the template to create and manage forms. This approach is generally more intuitive for developers who are familiar with HTML and are getting started with Angular. Rapid Development: With template-driven forms, you can quickly create forms … Read more

What is the use of reactive forms in Angular 8?

Reactive forms use a model-driven approach to handle form inputs where values constantly change over time. It uses an explicit and immutable approach to manage the state of a form at a specific time. Every time the changes occur to the form state, it returns a new state. The reactive forms are used mainly for … Read more

What is the main purpose of Angular 8 forms?

The main purpose of Angular 8 forms is to handle the user’s input. You can also use these Angular forms in your application to enable users to log in, update profiles, enter information, or perform many other data-entry tasks. There are two approaches to handle the user’s input through forms in Angular 8: Reactive forms … Read more

How can you create an app in Angular 8?

You can easily create an Angular 8 web app using Angular CLI. Type the following command to create the Angular 8 web app. Syntax: ng new angular_app_name Example: ng new myapp The above command will create an Angular 8 app with the name “myapp.” Then, the Angular CLI will automatically install the required NPM modules. … Read more