Is HTML case-sensitive or case-insensitive?

HTML is a case-insensitive language because uppercase or lowercase does not matter in this language and you can write your code in any case. However, HTML coding is generally written in lower case.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is generally case-insensitive. This means that whether you use uppercase or lowercase letters in HTML tags and attributes does not affect how the browser interprets the content. For example, <p> and <P> are considered the same in HTML.

However, there are some attributes and values within HTML that may be case-sensitive, particularly when it comes to URLs, file paths, and scripting languages such as JavaScript and CSS. It’s important to be mindful of case sensitivity in these contexts to avoid errors in web development.

So, in summary:

  • HTML tags and attributes: Generally case-insensitive.
  • URLs, file paths, and scripting languages within HTML: May be case-sensitive.