What is the function of setElement?

The Backbone.js setElement method is used to apply the backbo In Backbone.js, the setElement function is used to change the element that a view is associated with. By default, when you create a Backbone.js view, it creates a DOM element for that view using the tagName, className, and id properties specified in the view definition. … Read more

What are the functionalities of parse in Backbone.js?

The data, which is returned from the server in response to a fetch or store operation, is called parse. It is used to return the model’s data by passing into the response object. In Backbone.js, the parse function is used within models to modify the response data before it’s set on the model. It allows … Read more

What are the configuration options available in Backbone.js?

There are the following configuration options available in Backbone.js. modelSetOptions boundAttributes supressThrows converter change Triggers InitialCopyDirection In Backbone.js, there are several configuration options available to customize its behavior and functionality. Some of the commonly used configuration options include: model: This option allows you to specify the model class that the collection should use. For example: … Read more

Mention the case where you can use the unbinding function in Backbone.js?

Unbinding function is used to remove the bindings on the model. In Backbone.js, the unbind() function is used to remove event listeners that were previously bound using the on() method. Here’s a scenario where you might want to use the unbind() function: Scenario: Cleaning Up Event Listeners Let’s say you have a Backbone view that … Read more

What are the methods of utility in Backbone.js?

Two methods can be used to manipulate the Backbone.js utility: Backbone.noConflict: It returns the Backbone objects to its original value and provides a facility to store the reference to a backbone. It can be used to embed the backbone on third-party websites, where you don’t want to thrash the existing backbone. Backbone.$: This property is … Read more