What is Ember inspector?

The Ember inspector is a tool which is used to debug the code of an Ember application. It provides a way to interact with Ember objects and view its properties. In an Ember.js interview, if you’re asked about the Ember Inspector, here’s a concise and accurate response: “The Ember Inspector is a browser extension and … Read more

How to define a view in Ember.js?

Ember.View.create({ templateName: ‘NameOfTemplate’, }); In Ember.js, views were a fundamental part of the framework’s architecture for managing the presentation layer. However, starting from Ember.js version 2.0, views were deprecated in favor of components, which provide a more modular and encapsulated way to handle UI elements. Prior to Ember 2.0, a view in Ember.js could be … Read more

What do you know by observers in Ember.js?

Ember supports observing any property which also includes computed properties. Observers are something which contains the behavior that reacts to the changes made in other properties. Observers are used when we need to perform some behavior after binding has finished synchronizing. New ember developers often use observers. Observers are mostly used within the ember framework … Read more

Explain the directory structure in Ember.js.

In Ember.js, project structure is also called directory structure. It contains the following files and directories: I-app: It contains folders and files for models, components, routes, templates, and styles. I-bower_components/ bower.json: It is a dependency management tool which is used in Ember CLI to manage front-end plugins and component dependencies. I-config: It contains the environment.js … Read more

Which steps are used to create an app in Ember.js?

You have to use the following steps to create an application in ember.js: First, install an ember-cli. Almost all applications are built with ember-cli. Create a new application by using ember new. It generates a new application. Use materialize-CSS for styling to give a material design. Create components by using ember g component. Check whether … Read more