Explain Taxonomy in Drupal

Drupal classifies its content which is called taxonomy and is implemented in the core Taxonomy module. In Drupal, Taxonomy refers to a powerful organizational tool used to categorize and classify content. It allows site administrators to create a structured system of terms, often called “vocabulary,” which can then be applied to content types such as … Read more

Explain the use of Sections module in Drupal

The Sections module allows applying different themes to different pages in a Drupal site. The Sections module in Drupal provides a way to organize and structure content on a Drupal website. It allows site administrators to create sections within their website and assign content to these sections. Here’s how it works and its key features: … Read more

How will you add custom PHP codes in Drupal pages or blocks?

Be default, Drupal doesn’t allow the insertion of PHP codes in its pages. To embed PHP codes, you need to activate a Drupal module called PHP filter. By default, this module remains disabled. In Drupal, it’s generally discouraged to add custom PHP code directly into pages or blocks due to security and maintainability concerns. Instead, … Read more

How to interact with Drupal search systems?

There are three ways to interact with Drupal search system by implementing: nodeapi (update index) hook_search() hook_update_index() To interact with Drupal’s search systems, you can use various methods depending on your requirements and the version of Drupal you are working with. Here’s a general approach: Use Core Search Module: Drupal comes with a built-in search … Read more

Explain hooks in Drupal

Hooks are Drupal API code which allows module to interact with Drupal core. Its module system is based on the hooks concept. In Drupal, hooks are essential components of the module system that allow modules to interact with the core system and alter its behavior without modifying core code directly. Hooks are predefined functions that … Read more