Why ‘search’ function in Drupal is better than other CMS?

Drupal integrates well with external search engines such as Xapian, Apache solr if the built-in search engine does not meet your needs properly. The ‘search’ function in Drupal is often considered superior to other CMS platforms for several reasons: Customization: Drupal offers extensive customization options for search functionality. It allows developers to tailor the search … Read more

What is template.php in Drupal?

The template.php file in the theme directory allows you to override a theme function. In Drupal, template.php (previously known as template.php in Drupal 7 and earlier versions) is a file used to hold theme-specific PHP functions. However, in Drupal 8 and later versions, the theme-related PHP functions have been moved to the *.theme file (e.g., … Read more

What is node in Drupal?

Drupal treats all the stored content on its web site as nodes. Any piece of content like blog, article, page, etc is considered as node. Although, the comments are not stored as nodes but they are always connected to a node. In Drupal, a “node” is the basic unit of content. It can represent any … Read more

Explain the API in Drupal 7?

The field API allows custom data fields to be attached to Drupal entities. Any entity type can use field API to make itself “fieldable” means allows fields to attach to it. In Drupal 7, the API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of functions and hooks provided by the Drupal core and contributed modules that … Read more

Name the five conceptual layers in Drupal system

Data (nodes, etc) Modules Blocks and menus User permissions Themes and templates In Drupal, the five conceptual layers in the system architecture are: Presentation Layer: This layer deals with how content is displayed to users. It includes themes, templates, and CSS stylesheets that control the layout and design of the website. Application Layer: This layer … Read more