What are the web services that Joomla supports?

  • Remote Procedure Calls
  • XML-RPC services

Joomla supports a variety of web services to facilitate integration with external systems and data exchange. Some of the commonly used web services supported by Joomla include:

  1. RESTful Web Services: Joomla supports RESTful APIs, allowing communication between Joomla-based websites and external applications or services using HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. This enables developers to access Joomla content and functionality programmatically.
  2. XML-RPC: Joomla also supports XML-RPC (Remote Procedure Call) protocol, which enables remote execution of procedures and exchange of data between Joomla sites and other systems over HTTP.
  3. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol): Although less commonly used in modern web development, Joomla still supports SOAP web services, which provide a standardized protocol for exchanging structured information between systems.
  4. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) API: Joomla provides JSON APIs for interacting with its content and functionality, allowing data to be transmitted in a lightweight and human-readable format commonly used in modern web development.
  5. GraphQL: While not natively supported in older versions, Joomla can integrate with GraphQL, a query language and runtime for executing queries against its APIs. This allows for more efficient data retrieval and manipulation compared to traditional RESTful APIs.

When answering interview questions about Joomla’s web services support, it’s essential to provide a brief overview of each supported service along with its relevance and usage in Joomla development. Additionally, highlighting the importance of these web services in facilitating integration and interoperability with other systems can demonstrate a deeper understanding of Joomla’s capabilities.