How to initialize a driver in CodeIgniter?

To initialize a driver, write the following syntax,

Here, class_name is the driver name.

To initialize a driver in CodeIgniter, you typically follow these steps:

  1. Load the driver library: First, you need to load the appropriate driver library using CodeIgniter’s built-in load method. You can do this in your controller, model, or wherever you need to use the driver.
  2. Instantiate the driver: After loading the driver library, you can create an instance of the driver using the CodeIgniter instance’s library method.

Here’s an example of how you might initialize a driver:

// Load the driver library

// Instantiate the driver
$cache = $this->cache->memcached;

In this example, we’re initializing the Memcached caching driver. You can replace 'memcached' with the driver name you want to use (e.g., 'redis', 'file', etc.).

Make sure that the driver you’re trying to initialize is properly configured in your CodeIgniter configuration files, such as config.php or database.php, depending on the driver.