What is String Interpolation in Angular 8, and why is it used?

String Interpolation is a one-way data-binding technique in Angular 8. It is used to extract the output data from a TypeScript code to the HTML template view layer. It shows the data from the component to view layer in the form of curly braces. This interpolation technique adds the value of property to the component.

String Interpolation Example:


In Angular 8, as in other versions of Angular, string interpolation is a way to display component property values in the HTML template. It allows you to embed expressions within double curly braces ({{ }}) in the template, and Angular will replace these placeholders with the actual values during runtime.

For example:

<p>{{ title }}</p>
In this case, title is a property of the component, and its value will be dynamically inserted into the HTML at runtime.

String interpolation is used for the following reasons:

  1. Dynamic Data Binding: It enables you to bind component properties to elements in the template dynamically. When the component’s property changes, the corresponding part of the template is automatically updated.
  2. Displaying Data: It allows you to display the values of variables or expressions directly in the HTML, making it easy to show dynamic content based on the component’s state.
  3. Readability: It improves the readability of the HTML template by keeping the logic and data display within the template itself.

Example component TypeScript file:

import { Component } from ‘@angular/core’;

selector: ‘app-example’,
template: `
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<p>{{ description }}</p>
export class ExampleComponent {
title = ‘Angular 8 String Interpolation’;
description = ‘Using string interpolation to display dynamic content.’;

In this example, the title and description properties are bound to the corresponding elements in the template using string interpolation