What is metadata in Angular?

In Angular, component and services are simply classes with decorators that mark their type and provide metadata that tells Angular how to use them. So, metadata is used to decorate a class to configure the expected behavior of the class. In Angular, metadata is data that provides information about the components, directives, or modules. Metadata … Read more

What is Angular CLI?

Angular CLI is a Command Line Interface for Angular. It facilitates you to create an application and different components. Install Angular CLI: To install the latest version of Angular CLI, run the following npm command. npm install @angular/cli@latest To create an application: The ng new command is used to create a new application in Angular. … Read more

What is Data binding in Angular?

In Angular, data binding is an automatic synchronization of data between the model and view components. Two-way data binding is very popular and powerful feature of Angular which creates a bridge between the view and the business logic of the Angular apps. In Angular, data binding is a powerful feature that establishes a connection between … Read more

What are components in Angular?

Components are the key features of Angular. They are the main building blocks of an Angular application. Angular components make your complex application into reusable parts which you can reuse very easily. You can easily create components by using Angular CLI. Syntax: ng generate component component_name Or ng g c component_name In Angular, components are … Read more

What is ng-content directive in Angular?

The ng-content directive is a feature of Angular which helps us to make reusable components. For example: In conventional HTML, tags are used to write something. i.e. This is a paragraph . Now, see the following example of having custom text between angular tags: This won’t work like HTML until you use ng-content Directive This … Read more