What is an infinite loop?

A loop running continuously for an indefinite number of times is called the infinite loop. Infinite For Loop: for(;;){ //code to be executed } Infinite While Loop: while(1){ //code to be executed } Infinite Do-While Loop: do{ //code to be executed }while(1); An infinite loop is a programming construct where a sequence of instructions repeats … Read more

Can we access the array using a pointer in C language?

Yes, by holding the base address of array into a pointer, we can access the array using a pointer. Yes, in C language, you can access an array using a pointer. In fact, arrays and pointers are closely related in C. When you declare an array, it can decay into a pointer to its first … Read more

What are the functions to open and close the file in C language?

The fopen() function is used to open file whereas fclose() is used to close file. In C language, to open and close files, you typically use the functions fopen() and fclose() respectively. fopen(): This function is used to open a file. It takes two arguments: the name of the file to be opened and the … Read more

What is typecasting?

The typecasting is a process of converting one data type into another is known as typecasting. If we want to store the floating type value to an int type, then we will convert the data type into another data type explicitly. Syntax (type_name) expression; In C, typecasting refers to the explicit conversion of a variable … Read more

What is the maximum length of an identifier?

It is 32 characters ideally but implementation specific. In C, the maximum length of an identifier is implementation-defined, meaning it can vary depending on the compiler and system being used. However, most modern compilers support identifiers up to 31 or 63 characters long. It’s important to note that even though a compiler might support identifiers … Read more