What are CodeIgniter security methods?

CodeIgniter security methods help to create a secure application and process input data. The methods are given below: XSS filtering CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery) Class reference In CodeIgniter, there are several security methods and best practices to ensure the protection of your web application against common security threats. Some of the key security methods in … Read more

How can you print SQL statement in CodeIgniter model?

$this>db>insertid(); In CodeIgniter, to print the SQL statement generated by a query within a model, you can use the last_query() method. This method returns the SQL query string of the last database operation performed. Here’s how you can use it: phpCopy code $query = $this->db->get(‘my_table’); echo $this->db->last_query(); This will print the SQL query generated by … Read more

How to connect multiple databases in CodeIgniter?

To connect more than one database simultaneously, do the following, $db1 = $this->load->database(‘group_one’, TRUE); $db1 = $this->load->database(‘group_two’, TRUE); To connect multiple databases in CodeIgniter, you can follow these steps: Configure Database Connections: In the application/config/database.php file, configure multiple database connections by adding arrays for each database you want to connect to. You’ll typically find a … Read more

How to create a driver in CodeIgniter?

There are three steps to create a driver: Making file structure Making driver list Making driver(s) In CodeIgniter, creating a driver involves the following steps: Define Interface (Optional): If you’re implementing a driver pattern with multiple interchangeable implementations, start by defining an interface that outlines the methods the drivers must implement. This step is optional … Read more

How to initialize a driver in CodeIgniter?

To initialize a driver, write the following syntax, $this->load->driver(‘class_name’); Here, class_name is the driver name. To initialize a driver in CodeIgniter, you typically follow these steps: Load the driver library: First, you need to load the appropriate driver library using CodeIgniter’s built-in load method. You can do this in your controller, model, or wherever you … Read more