How can you connect models to a database manually?

To connect database manually use following syntax, $this->load->database(); In CodeIgniter, you typically don’t manually connect models to the database. Instead, you configure the database connection in the CodeIgniter configuration files, and then models interact with the database through the CodeIgniter database class. However, if you’re asked how you can conceptually connect models to a database … Read more

How can you add or load a model in CodeIgniter?

To load models in controller functions, use the following function: $this->load->model(‘ModelName’); If in case your model file is located in sub-directory of the model folder, then you have to mention the full path. For example, if your file location is application/controller/models/project/ModelName. Then, your file will be loaded as shown below, $this->load->model(‘project/ModelName’); In CodeIgniter, you can … Read more

Explain model in CodeIgniter

Model’s responsibility is to handle all data logic and representation and load data in the views. It is stored in application/models folder. In CodeIgniter, the Model represents the data layer of your application. It is responsible for managing the data, interacting with the database, and performing business logic operations. Here’s a breakdown of what the … Read more

Explain MVC in CodeIgniter.

CodeIgniter framework is based on MVC pattern. MVC is a software that gives you a separate logical view from the presentation view. Due to this, a web page contains minimal scripting. Model – The Controller manages models. It represents your data structure. Model classes contain functions through which you can insert, retrieve or update information … Read more

Explain the folder structure of CodeIgniter

If you download and unzip CodeIgniter, you get the following file structure/folder structure: Application cache Config Controllers core errors helpers hooks language libraries logs models third-party views system core database fonts helpers language libraries In a CodeIgniter application, the folder structure plays a crucial role in organizing files and directories. Here’s a breakdown of the … Read more