What is the different type of route models in Ember.js?

Dynamic Models – It provides the routes with dynamic segments. These segments are used to access the value from URL Ember.Route.extend ({ model(parameter) { //code block } }); Router.map(function() { this.route(‘linkpage’, { path: ‘identifiers’ }); }); Multiple Models – It is used to define multiple models through RSVP.hash. For example: Ember.Route.extend ({ model() { return … Read more

What is a router in Ember.js?

A router is a core feature of Ember.js. It is used to translate the URL into the series of templates and also represent the state of an application. Every URL has a corresponding route object that controls what is visible to the user. It matches the current URL to other routes which are used for … Read more

What are the features of Ember.js?

It contains HTML and CSS at the core of the development model. It is used to develop reusable JavaScript web applications. It provides the instance initializers. It can be used to manage the URL. In an interview setting, when asked about the features of Ember.js, you should highlight the following key points: Convention over Configuration: … Read more

What do you know about Model in Ember.js?

A model is a beneficial useful approach in Ember.js. It is used to store persistent state in an Ember application. It is used to reduce the complexity of the task. Templates can merely be supported, and developers can always make sure of required data that is necessary display with the HTML page. This data is … Read more

What are the main advantages of using Ember.js?

It is an open source framework. So, it gives developers unlimited access for customizing for desired output. Ember.js doesn’t require server requests to perform its task. DOM is directly updated when a user comes in contact with the browser or press any button over there. When answering this question in an Ember.js interview, it’s important … Read more