What are the advantages of Joomla?

Following are the main advantages of using Joomla: Joomla is open source and absolutely free to use. It provides a lot of free components are available in extensions.joomla.org/ It has inbuilt permission and user role. One click updation. Provide simple, elegant and user-friendly templates free to use. When asked about the advantages of Joomla in … Read more

Explain categories of mambots

Mambots can be divided into 5 types/categories that are displayed by filtering in the filter field: authentication content editors editors-xtd search In Joomla, mambots are essentially plugins that extend the functionality of the Joomla CMS. They are categorized based on their intended purpose and functionality. Here are the common categories of mambots in Joomla: Content … Read more

Explain Mambots in Joomla

A Mambot is a small, task-oriented function, mini program or plugin. It is used to modify content before display, extend site search, add core functionality etc. Mambots are renamed plugins in Joomla 1.5. In Joomla, Mambots (short for Mambo Robots) are small pieces of code that extend the functionality of the Joomla CMS (Content Management … Read more

Explain Joomla

Joomla is an open source Content Management System (CMS) written in PHP. It is a very popular CMS along with WordPress and Drupal. It facilitates users to develop online applications and websites. Joomla is built on model-view-controller (MVC) web application framework. For an interview question asking to explain Joomla, a correct answer would provide a … Read more