What is Phalcon models?

Model consists of information or data of the application. It manipulates the data by managing the rules. In the context of a Phalcon interview question, the correct answer to “What are Phalcon models?” would be: Phalcon models are PHP classes that represent the data structure and business logic of an application. They typically interact with … Read more

Enlist the features of PHQL

It secures the code using bound parameters. It prevents injection by executing one SQL statement per call. It ignores all comments which mostly used in SQL injections. It only allows data manipulation statement to execute. PHQL (Phalcon Query Language) is a specialized query language provided by the Phalcon PHP framework for database operations. When asked … Read more

What is PHQL?

PHQL (Phalcon Query Language) allows user to implement query language similar to SQL query language. PHQL is implemented as a parser which connects to RDBMS. In a Phalcon interview, if you’re asked about PHQL, you should respond by explaining that PHQL stands for Phalcon Query Language. It’s a specialized dialect of SQL (Structured Query Language) … Read more

Enlist the database engines supported by Phalcon

Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql : Mysql Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Postgresql : Postgresql Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Sqlite : SQLite Phalcon is a PHP web framework that is known for its high performance and low overhead due to its implementation as a C extension. When it comes to database support, Phalcon is quite versatile. As of my last update in January 2022, Phalcon supports various database … Read more

How can we access to backend in Phalcon?

It is provided by logging services for application. We can login to different backend using different adapters. It offers transaction logging, configuration options, different formats and filters. In Phalcon, accessing the backend typically involves interacting with controllers and models within your application. Here’s a breakdown of how you would typically access the backend in Phalcon: … Read more