How is data loaded on the server by React Native?

React Native uses Fetch API to fetched data for networking needs. In a React Native application, data loading from a server typically involves making HTTP requests to an API endpoint. React Native provides several ways to perform these HTTP requests, including: Fetch API: React Native includes the Fetch API, which is a modern interface for … Read more

What are animations in React Native?

The animation is a method in which images are manipulated to appear as moving objects. React Native animations allows you to add extra effects, which provide great user experience in the app. We can use it with React Native API, Animated.parallel, Animated.decay, and Animated.stagger. React Native has two types of animation, which are given below. … Read more

What are the similarities between React and React Native?

The most common similarities between React and React Native are: React Lifecycle Methods React Components React States and Props Redux Libraries In a React Native interview, when asked about the similarities between React and React Native, you can highlight the following points: Component-based Architecture: Both React and React Native follow a component-based architecture where UIs … Read more

What are the best UI Components for React Native?

The best UI component for React Native are: Material UI Semantic UI React Bootstrap React Toolbox Ant Design The answer to this question can vary based on the specific needs of the project and personal preferences of the developers. However, some popular and widely used UI component libraries for React Native include: React Native Elements: … Read more

What is ListView?

ListView is a core component of React Native, which contains a list of items and displays in vertical scrollable lists. In the context of React Native, ListView is an older component that was used for efficiently rendering lists of data. However, it has been deprecated in favor of newer alternatives like FlatList and SectionList. ListView … Read more