Explain PHP split() function

The PHP split() function splits string into an array by regular expression.

In a PHP interview, if you’re asked about the split() function, it’s essential to clarify that the split() function has been deprecated since PHP 5.3.0 and removed since PHP 7.0.0 due to various issues with its implementation and usage. It’s crucial to provide this context before discussing its functionality.

However, if the interviewer still wants you to explain the deprecated split() function, you can mention that it was used to split a string into an array of substrings based on a specified delimiter or regular expression pattern.

Here’s a basic explanation of how the split() function worked:

  1. Parameters: The split() function typically took two main parameters: the delimiter or regular expression pattern and the string to be split.
  2. Return value: It returned an array containing substrings of the original string.
  3. Syntax:
    split(separator, string, limit);
    • separator: This could be a string or a regular expression pattern defining the delimiter for splitting the string.
    • string: The string to be split.
    • limit (optional): An integer parameter to specify the maximum number of splits. If provided, the resulting array will have a maximum of limit elements.
  4. Example:
    $string = "apple,banana,orange";
    $array = split(",", $string);


    [0] => apple
    [1] => banana
    [2] => orange
  5. Deprecation: It’s important to mention that using split() is strongly discouraged because it was deprecated and removed from PHP due to various reasons, including performance concerns, inconsistency with other string functions, and the potential for security vulnerabilities (especially with the use of regular expressions).

Instead of split(), developers are encouraged to use the explode() function for simple string splitting based on a fixed delimiter, or preg_split() for more complex splitting using regular expressions.

So, during an interview, it’s crucial not only to explain how the function worked but also to highlight its deprecation and suggest alternative, more modern approaches for string manipulation in PHP.