How can we use the custom table in Laravel?

We can easily use custom table in Laravel by overriding protected $table property of Eloquent. Here, is the sample:

class User extends Eloquent{
protected $table=”my_user_table”;

To use a custom table in Laravel, you typically follow these steps:

  1. Define a model: Create a new model class in Laravel that represents your custom table. You can extend Laravel’s Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model class.
namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class CustomModel extends Model
protected $table = 'your_custom_table_name';

// Define any other properties or methods as needed

  1. Define table structure: Ensure that the model reflects the structure of your custom table, including column names, data types, and any relationships.
  2. Migrations (if necessary): If your custom table doesn’t exist yet, you may need to create a migration to define its structure. Laravel provides a command-line interface for generating migrations.
  3. Querying data: You can now use the model to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on your custom table.


$customData = CustomModel::where('column_name', 'value')->get();
  1. Relationships: If your custom table has relationships with other tables, define these relationships in your model using Laravel’s Eloquent ORM.


class CustomModel extends Model
public function relatedModel()
return $this->belongsTo(RelatedModel::class);
  1. Configurations (if necessary): In some cases, you may need to configure additional properties such as primary key, timestamps, etc., in your model if they differ from Laravel’s default assumptions.

That’s it! You can now use your custom table in Laravel just like any other table in the database.