How can you create an app in Angular 8?

You can easily create an Angular 8 web app using Angular CLI. Type the following command to create the Angular 8 web app.


ng new angular_app_name

ng new myapp
The above command will create an Angular 8 app with the name “myapp.” Then, the Angular CLI will automatically install the required NPM modules. Before this, you must ensure that you have Node.js, Angular 8, and installed Angular CLI using the following command:

npm install -g @angular/cli
You can also manually create an app folder and install ng dependencies.

To create an app in Angular 8, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install Node.js and npm: Ensure that you have Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your machine.
  2. Install Angular CLI: Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command to install Angular CLI globally:
    npm install -g @angular/cli@8
  3. Create a new Angular project: Use the Angular CLI to create a new project. Replace “your-app-name” with the desired name for your app.
    ng new your-app-name
  4. Navigate to the project folder: Move into the newly created project folder.
    cd your-app-name
  5. Serve the application: Run the following command to start a development server and open your app in a browser.
    ng serve

    By default, the app will be accessible at http://localhost:4200/.

  6. Explore and develop: Open your preferred code editor and start developing your Angular 8 application. The main source code files are in the src folder.

These steps assume you have Angular CLI version 8 installed. If you have a different version installed, make sure to adjust the version number in the commands accordingly.

Keep in mind that as of my last knowledge update in January 2022, there might be newer versions of Angular and Angular CLI available. You may want to check the official Angular documentation for any updates or changes beyond that date