How many types of the directive are used in Vue.js?

The following types of directives are used in Vue.js:

  • General Directives
  • Literal Directives
  • Empty Directives
  • Custom Directives

In Vue.js, directives are special tokens in the markup that tell the library to do something to a DOM element. There are mainly three types of directives used in Vue.js:

  1. Element Directives: These are typically prefixed with v- and are used as attributes added to HTML elements. Examples include v-if, v-show, v-for, v-on, and v-bind.
  2. Modifier Directives: These are special postfixes denoted by a dot in the directive attribute. They are used to modify the behavior of the directive. Examples include .prevent, .stop, .capture, .self, .once, and .passive.
  3. Custom Directives: These are user-defined directives created using the Vue.directive method. Custom directives can be used to encapsulate and reuse low-level DOM manipulations.

So, the correct answer to the question “How many types of directives are used in Vue.js?” would be three: Element Directives, Modifier Directives, and Custom Directives.