How to connect multiple databases in CodeIgniter?

To connect more than one database simultaneously, do the following,

$db1 = $this->load->database(‘group_one’, TRUE);
$db1 = $this->load->database(‘group_two’, TRUE);

To connect multiple databases in CodeIgniter, you can follow these steps:

  1. Configure Database Connections: In the application/config/database.php file, configure multiple database connections by adding arrays for each database you want to connect to. You’ll typically find a section like $db['default'] for the default database configuration. You can add additional arrays such as $db['second_db'], $db['third_db'], etc., each with its own connection settings.
  2. Load Database in Controllers or Models: In your controller or model where you need to interact with a specific database, load the database configuration by specifying the database group you want to use. You can do this using the $this->load->database() method in controllers or models.
    $this->load->database('second_db'); // Load the 'second_db' group
  3. Perform Database Operations: Once you’ve loaded the desired database configuration, you can perform database operations as usual using CodeIgniter’s active record or Query Builder methods.

Here’s a brief example:

// Load the 'second_db' group

// Perform a query
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM your_table');
$result = $query->result();

This will execute the query on the database configured under the ‘second_db’ group.

Remember to properly handle errors and close connections when you’re done using them.