How to create a driver in CodeIgniter?

There are three steps to create a driver:

  • Making file structure
  • Making driver list
  • Making driver(s)

In CodeIgniter, creating a driver involves the following steps:

  1. Define Interface (Optional): If you’re implementing a driver pattern with multiple interchangeable implementations, start by defining an interface that outlines the methods the drivers must implement. This step is optional and depends on your project’s needs.
  2. Create Driver Class: Create a PHP class for your driver. This class should extend the CI_Driver_Library class provided by CodeIgniter.
  3. Implement Methods: Implement the required methods in your driver class. These methods should correspond to the functionality required by your application.
  4. Place Driver File: Save your driver class file in the appropriate directory within your CodeIgniter application structure. By convention, drivers are often stored in the libraries directory.
  5. Load the Driver: Load the driver in your CodeIgniter controller or wherever it’s needed using the $this->load->driver() method. Pass the name of the driver and, optionally, any parameters needed for initialization.

Here’s a basic example:

// application/libraries/Mydriver.php

class Mydriver extends CI_Driver_Library {

protected $valid_drivers = array(

// Implement any necessary methods here


To load this driver in your controller:


This will make the driver available as $this->mydriver. You can then call methods on it as needed.

Remember to replace 'driver1', 'driver2', and 'Mydriver' with your actual driver names and class names.