How to use firebase in react native?

Firebase is a popular tool for mobile and web app development platform. It provides many services to help you in building fast and high-quality apps, grow your user base, and earn more money without managing infrastructure. It is a powerful Database as a Service (DBaaS) tool, which provides a scalable cloud database to store and sync data for client and server-side development. Some of the key features of firebase are authentication, Real-time database, cloud messaging, crash reporting, and analytics. Firebase is a type of freemium model, not an open-source model. However, you can use its services free until you don’t pass the limits of its free tier.

We can get started with firebase by using following steps:

  • First, login into the firebase console and then create a project.
  • Retrieve apikey, authDomian, DatabaseURL, and storage bucket from the console.
  • Next, you need to create a new React Native project
  • Install firebase plugin from npm
  • Add firebase plugin into the React Native project