List some of the features of PHP7

  • Scalar type declarations
  • Return type declarations
  • Null coalescing operator (??)
  • Spaceship operator
  • Constant arrays using define()
  • Anonymous classes
  • Closure::call method
  • Group use declaration
  • Generator return expressions
  • Generator delegation
  • Space ship operator

PHP 7 introduced several significant features and improvements over its predecessors. Some of the key features of PHP 7 include:

  1. Performance Improvements: PHP 7 offers substantial performance enhancements over previous versions, primarily due to the introduction of the new Zend Engine 3.0, which significantly optimizes memory usage and increases overall performance.
  2. Scalar Type Declarations: PHP 7 introduces support for scalar type declarations, allowing developers to specify the expected data type for function parameters and return values. This helps in improving code clarity and reliability.
  3. Return Type Declarations: Similarly, PHP 7 supports return type declarations, enabling developers to specify the expected data type of a function’s return value. This enhances code readability and assists in error detection.
  4. Null Coalescing Operator (??): PHP 7 introduces the null coalescing operator (??), which provides a convenient way to handle null values by returning the first operand if it is set and not null; otherwise, it returns the second operand.
  5. Spaceship Operator (<=>): PHP 7 introduces the spaceship operator (<=>), also known as the combined comparison operator. It facilitates comparing two expressions, returning -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether the left operand is less than, equal to, or greater than the right operand.
  6. Anonymous Classes: PHP 7 introduces support for anonymous classes, allowing developers to instantiate objects without explicitly defining a class. This is particularly useful for creating simple, one-off objects within a limited scope.
  7. Group Use Declarations: PHP 7 enhances namespace support by introducing group use declarations, which enable developers to import multiple classes from the same namespace in a single statement, improving code readability.
  8. Constant Arrays Using define(): PHP 7 allows defining constants using the define() function with an array as its value. This enables developers to create constant arrays, which was not possible in previous versions of PHP.
  9. Error Handling Improvements: PHP 7 improves error handling by introducing more meaningful error messages and exceptions, making it easier for developers to diagnose and troubleshoot issues in their code.
  10. Abstract Syntax Tree (AST): PHP 7 introduces an abstract syntax tree (AST), which enables developers to perform advanced static analysis and manipulation of PHP code. This enhances the capabilities of tools such as static code analyzers and optimizers.

These are some of the notable features and improvements introduced in PHP 7, which have contributed to making it a more powerful and efficient programming language for web development.