List the users of React Native?

Today, thousands of React Native built-in apps are available in the market. Here is the list of users who uses React Native apps:

  • Facebook
  • Facebook Ads Manager
  • Instagram
  • F8
  • Airbnb
  • Skype
  • Tesla
  • Bloomberg
  • Gyroscope
  • Myntra
  • UberEats


React Native is a popular open-source framework for building mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It has been adopted by many companies and developers for cross-platform app development. While it’s challenging to provide an exhaustive list of all React Native users, as of my last knowledge update in January 2022, here are some notable companies and organizations that have used React Native:

  1. Facebook: React Native was developed and is maintained by Facebook. Many of Facebook’s own mobile applications, such as Facebook and Instagram, use React Native.
  2. Instagram: Instagram, owned by Facebook, has adopted React Native for parts of its mobile app development.
  3. Walmart: Walmart has used React Native for their mobile app development to create a consistent experience across different platforms.
  4. UberEats: UberEats has used React Native to build parts of its mobile application.
  5. Airbnb: Airbnb has experimented with React Native for its mobile app development.
  6. Tesla: Tesla has used React Native for its mobile app, allowing users to control certain aspects of their Tesla vehicles.
  7. Bloomberg: Bloomberg has used React Native for its mobile app development to provide a seamless experience across platforms.
  8. Wix: Wix, a website building platform, has utilized React Native for its mobile app development.
  9. Discord: Discord, a popular communication platform, has incorporated React Native into its mobile app development.
  10. Microsoft: Microsoft has used React Native for various projects, including parts of its mobile app development.

It’s important to note that the landscape of technology is dynamic, and the usage of frameworks may evolve over time. New companies and developers may adopt React Native, and existing users may modify their technology stacks. Always check the latest information for the most up-to-date list of React Native users.