Name the files required to built a component in Joomla

Below files are necessary files to build a component in Joomla:

On admin side,

  • component_name.xml
  • install.component_name.php
  • uninstall.component_name.php
  • toolbar.component_name.php
  • uninstall.component_name.html.php
  • admin.component_name.php
  • admin.component_name.html.php
  • component_name.class.php

On front side,

  • component_name.php
  • component_name.html.php

To build a component in Joomla, you typically need several files. Here are the key files required:

  1. Component XML File: This file defines the component’s metadata, including its name, description, version, author information, and other important details. It usually has a .xml extension.
  2. Component PHP File: This file initializes the component, defines its classes, and includes necessary Joomla libraries. It typically has the same name as the component and a .php extension.
  3. Controller File(s): These files handle the component’s logic and interact with the Joomla framework. They manage the flow of data and control user actions. Controller files often reside in a controllers directory within the component and have a .php extension.
  4. Model File(s): Model files handle data manipulation and interact with the database. They typically retrieve, update, and delete data from the database. Model files often reside in a models directory within the component and have a .php extension.
  5. View File(s): View files handle the presentation layer of the component, displaying data to users. They often contain HTML markup along with PHP code to fetch and display data. View files often reside in a views directory within the component and have a .php extension.
  6. Language File(s): These files contain language strings used within the component. They allow for localization and translation of the component’s interface. Language files typically reside in a language directory within the component and have .ini extensions.
  7. Helper File(s): Helper files contain reusable functions and utilities used across the component. They help keep code organized and promote code reusability. Helper files often reside in a helpers directory within the component and have a .php extension.
  8. Assets (CSS, JavaScript, Images): Depending on the component’s requirements, you may also need CSS, JavaScript, and image files to style and enhance the component’s functionality. These assets are typically stored in directories like css, js, and images.

Having these files organized and properly structured is crucial for developing a functional and maintainable Joomla component.