Name the translations available in Drupal?

Languages in which Drupal can be translated are:

  • Catalan
  • Dutch
  • French
  • Hungarian

In Drupal, translations are managed through the translation module and various contributed modules. The primary translations available in Drupal include:

  1. Interface Translation: This feature allows the translation of the user interface elements, such as menus, labels, and buttons, into different languages. Drupal core comes with built-in support for interface translation.
  2. Content Translation: Content translation enables the creation of multilingual content on a Drupal site. With this feature, individual nodes and other content entities can be translated into different languages while maintaining a connection between translations.
  3. Configuration Translation: Configuration translation allows the translation of configuration settings, such as views, content types, and field settings, into different languages. This ensures that the site’s configuration can be adapted to different language requirements.
  4. Entity Translation: Entity translation is an alternative approach to translating content, where each translation of a piece of content is treated as a separate entity. This method is particularly useful for cases where different translations of content may have different properties or fields.
  5. Multilingual Fields: Drupal also supports multilingual fields, allowing administrators to specify which fields of a content type should support translations. This provides flexibility in translating only specific parts of content while keeping others language-independent.
  6. Contributed Modules: Additionally, there are numerous contributed modules available in the Drupal ecosystem that extend translation capabilities further, such as the Internationalization (i18n) suite of modules, which provides additional tools and features for managing multilingual sites.

The correct answer would encompass these translation features available in Drupal.