What do you understand by ORM?

ORM stands for Object-Relational Mapping. It is a programming technique which is used to convert data between incompatible type systems in object-oriented programming languages. For Laravel interview questions, if you’re asked about ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), you should provide an answer that demonstrates your understanding of how Laravel uses ORM and its significance in web development. … Read more

Which types of relationships are available in Laravel Eloquent?

Below are the types of relationships that Laravel Eloquent ORM supports: One to One One to Many One to Many (Inverse) Many to Many Has Many Through Polymorphic Relations Many To Many Polymorphic Relations In Laravel Eloquent, which is the ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) component of the Laravel framework, there are several types of relationships available: … Read more

Explain some benefits of Laravel over other PHP frameworks.

There are few benefits of Laravel which can be considered over other PHP frameworks: In Laravel, Setup and customization process is fast and easy as compared to others. Laravel supports multiple file systems. It has pre-loaded packages like Laravel Socialite, Laravel cashier, Laravel Passport, Laravel elixir, and Laravel Scout, etc. It consists of in-built Authentication … Read more

What are the major differences between Laravel 4 and Laravel 5.x?

The major differences between Laravel 4 and Laravel 5.x are given below: The old app/models directory is entirely removed. Controllers, middleware, and requests (a new class in Laravel 5.0) are now combined under the app/Http directory. A new app/Providers directory changes the app/start files from previous versions of Laravel of 4.x. Application language files and … Read more

What is the use of PHP compact function?

PHP compact function receives each key and tries to search a variable with that same name. If a variable is found, then it builds an associate array. In Laravel, the compact() function is a PHP function that is commonly used in views to pass variables from the controller to the view. It takes a list … Read more