What is the usage of Angular 8 ngFor Directive?

The Angular 8 ngFor directive is used to repeat a portion of the HTML template once per each item from an iterable list (Collection). The ngFor is an Angular structural directive and is similar to ngRepeat in AngularJS. Some local variables like Index, First, Last, odd, and even are exported by ngFor directive. In Angular … Read more

What is the usage of NgUpgrade in Angular 8?

The NgUpgrade is an Angular 8 library mainly used to integrate both AngularJS and Angular components in the application. The NgUpgrade library is also used to bridge the gap between the Dependency Injection Systems in both AngularJS and Angular. In Angular 8, NgUpgrade is a built-in Angular module that facilitates the seamless coexistence of AngularJS … Read more

What is the usage of NgUpgrade in Angular 8?

The NgModules in Angular 8 is used for the following things: The NgModule is a class marked by the @NgModule decorator where the @NgModule decorator is used to take a metadata object that describes how to compile a component’s template and how to create an injector at runtime. The NgModules is used to configure the … Read more

What is the requirement and usage of Angular 8 components?

The Angular 8 components are the list of classes with decorators that mainly mark their own types and provide metadata that guide Angular to do things. Every Angular application always has at least one component known as a root component that connects a page hierarchy with page DOM. Each component defines a class that contains … Read more

What are the most important parts of the Angular 8 Architecture?

The architecture of an Angular 8 application follows some fundamental concepts. The basic building blocks are NgModules that are used to provide compilation context for components and collect related code into functional sets. A set of NgModules are used to define an Angular app. Following is the list of most important parts of the Angular … Read more