What are the major events in global.aspx?

The Global.asax file, which is derived from the HttpApplication class, maintains a pool of HttpApplication objects, and assigns them to applications as needed. The Global.asax file contains the following events,

  • Application_Init
  • Application_Disposed
  • Application_Error
  • Application_Start
  • Application_End
  • Application_BeginReques

In ASP.NET, the global.asax file contains application-level events and handlers that are executed in response to application-level events like application start, end, error handling, session start, etc. Some of the major events in global.asax are:

  1. Application_Start: This event is fired when the application is started for the first time or restarted after being shut down. It’s typically used for application-level initialization tasks such as setting up global variables, registering routes, or configuring services.
  2. Application_End: This event is fired when the application is being shut down or unloaded from memory. It’s used for cleanup tasks such as closing database connections or releasing resources.
  3. Application_Error: This event is raised whenever an unhandled exception occurs within the application. It’s useful for logging errors, displaying custom error pages, or performing other error-handling tasks.
  4. Session_Start: This event is triggered when a new session is started for a user. It’s commonly used for initializing session-specific data or performing user-specific tasks.
  5. Session_End: This event is raised when a user’s session ends, either due to inactivity or when explicitly abandoned. It’s typically used for cleanup tasks related to the session, such as releasing resources or updating session logs.
  6. Application_BeginRequest: This event occurs at the beginning of each request and is commonly used for implementing custom request processing logic or URL rewriting.
  7. Application_EndRequest: This event occurs at the end of each request and is often used for finalizing request processing or performing cleanup tasks.

These events provide hooks into the ASP.NET application lifecycle and allow developers to execute custom code at various points during the application’s runtime. Understanding these events and their appropriate usage is crucial for building robust and well-performing ASP.NET applications.