What is a Converter in Backbone.js?

The Converter is a function which is used to convert the JavaScript object to a model. It is invoked when the transition is made between an HTML element and the model’s attribute.

In Backbone.js, a Converter is a function or an object that is used to convert data between the model and the view. It’s a mechanism to transform data from one format to another, facilitating the synchronization between the model’s data and the view’s representation of that data.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Model to View: When data is fetched from the model and displayed in the view, a converter can be applied to format or modify the data according to the requirements of the view. For example, converting a timestamp to a human-readable date format.
  2. View to Model: When data is entered or modified in the view and needs to be synchronized with the model, a converter can be used to transform the data into a format that is compatible with the model’s expectations. For instance, converting a string representation of a date into a timestamp.

Converters are often used in Backbone.js views, especially in conjunction with frameworks like Marionette.js, to provide a clear separation of concerns between the model and the view and to ensure data consistency and integrity throughout the application.