What is AOT in Angular 8?

In Angular 8, AOT stands for Ahead-of-Time compiler. It pre-compiles the application components and their templates during the build process.

  • There are several reasons why apps compiled with AOT launch faster:
  • The application components that are compiled with AOT execute immediately, without client-side compilation.Here, templates are embedded as code within their components, so there is no client-side request for template files. That’s why it is fast.
  • The compiler doesn’t entertain the unused Angular directives. It’s also a reason for its fast response.Angular 8 uses Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation as a default compilation method for optimizing the performance of Angular applications. AOT compilation involves translating the Angular code and templates into efficient JavaScript code during the build process, before the application is served to the client’s browser.Here are some key points about AOT in Angular 8:
    1. Faster Rendering: AOT compilation pre-compiles templates and components, resulting in faster rendering in the browser. This is because the compilation work is done beforehand during the build process, reducing the amount of work needed by the client’s browser at runtime.
    2. Smaller Bundle Sizes: AOT helps in reducing the size of the JavaScript bundles sent to the client. By eliminating the Angular compiler from the bundle, the payload size is decreased, leading to faster loading times.
    3. Detect Template Errors Early: AOT catches template errors during the build process, which helps in identifying issues before deploying the application. This results in a more robust and error-free application.
    4. Improved Security: AOT compilation enhances security by preventing the injection of malicious code into the templates since the templates are already compiled before reaching the client’s browser.

    To enable AOT compilation in Angular 8, you typically use the --aot flag when running the Angular CLI commands for building and serving your application. For example:

    ng build –aot

    Enabling AOT is generally recommended for production builds to ensure optimal performance and a smaller application footprint

  • In Angular 8, AOT stands for Ahead-of-Time compilation. AOT is a compilation process that takes place before the application is run in the browser. During AOT compilation, the Angular templates are compiled to JavaScript at build time, rather than at runtime in the client’s browser.

    Here are some key points about AOT in Angular 8:

    1. Performance: AOT compilation helps improve the performance of Angular applications. It reduces the size of the generated JavaScript code and eliminates the need for the Angular compiler to be shipped to the client’s browser.
    2. Smaller Bundle Size: AOT compiles templates and components into efficient JavaScript code, resulting in smaller bundle sizes. This is crucial for optimizing the loading time of your application, especially in scenarios where bandwidth is limited.
    3. Detecting Errors Early: AOT compilation also helps in detecting template errors and other issues during the build process, preventing potential runtime errors in the deployed application.