What is $parent property in Vue.js?

In Vue.js, the $parent property is used to access the parent instance from a child. It is similar to the $root property. The $parent property provides direct access, but it makes the application hard to test and debug. In this property, it is very difficult to find out where the mutation comes from.

In Vue.js, the $parent property allows a component to access its parent component instance directly. When you have a component nested within another component, $parent gives you a reference to the parent component instance.

However, it’s important to use $parent sparingly and with caution, as it creates a tight coupling between components and can make your code harder to maintain and understand. Instead of relying on $parent, it’s generally better to use props and events to communicate between parent and child components in a more predictable and explicit manner.

Here’s an example of how you might use $parent:

// ParentComponent.vue
<ChildComponent />


import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent.vue';

export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
message: 'Hello from ParentComponent'

// ChildComponent.vue
<p>{{ $parent.message }}</p>


export default {
mounted() {
console.log(this.$parent.message); // Outputs: Hello from ParentComponent

In this example, ChildComponent accesses the message data property from its parent component (ParentComponent) using $parent.message. However, as mentioned earlier, using $parent like this can lead to tightly coupled components, so it’s generally better to pass data down to child components using props.