What is Session?

Sessions are server-side information storage which helps in user interaction with the website or web application. Each session is consists of unique session ID, which is passed to the web server whenever the browser makes an HTTP request.

In the context of a Phalcon interview, a correct answer to the question “What is a Session?” would be:

“A session in web development typically refers to a mechanism for persisting user-specific data across multiple HTTP requests. It allows the server to associate data with a specific user or client, enabling features such as user authentication, maintaining user preferences, and managing shopping carts in e-commerce applications.

In the context of Phalcon, a session typically refers to the \Phalcon\Session\Adapter namespace which provides various session management functionalities within the Phalcon framework. This includes methods for starting, accessing, modifying, and destroying sessions.

Sessions are crucial for maintaining stateful interactions with web applications, enabling personalized experiences and secure authentication mechanisms.”