What is the difference between innerHTML and append() in JavaScript?

InnerHTML is not standard, and its a String. The DOM is not, and although innerHTML is faster and less verbose, its better to use the DOM methods like appendChild(), firstChild.nodeValue, etc to alter innerHTML content

innerHTML and append() are both JavaScript methods used to manipulate the content of HTML elements, but they have some key differences:

  1. innerHTML:
    • innerHTML is a property that allows you to get or set the HTML content of an element.
    • When you set innerHTML, it replaces the entire content of the element with the new HTML content you provide.
    • It can be used to set complex HTML structures, including nested elements and text.
    • Example:
      document.getElementById('myElement').innerHTML = '<p>New content</p>';
  2. append():
    • append() is a method used to add one or more elements or text nodes to the end of the list of children of a specified parent node.
    • It appends content to the existing content of the element, rather than replacing it.
    • It accepts multiple arguments and can append multiple nodes or text.
    • It is more flexible for adding new content without removing existing content.
    • Example:
      var newElement = document.createElement('p');
      newElement.textContent = 'New content';

Correct Answer:

  • innerHTML replaces the existing content of an element with new HTML content.
  • append() adds new content to the end of the existing content without replacing it, and it accepts multiple arguments for adding multiple nodes or text.