What is the use of a template in Ember.js?

In Ember.js, a template is used to create a layout for one or more page. When we change a template, the pages based on that template changes automatically.

In Ember.js, templates are an essential part of the framework’s architecture and are used to define the UI (User Interface) of an application. Here’s the correct answer to the question:

“The use of a template in Ember.js is to define the structure and layout of the user interface for an application. Templates are written using Handlebars syntax, which allows developers to include dynamic content, iterate over data, and create reusable components. Ember.js then uses these templates to render the appropriate HTML in the browser based on the application’s state and data model. Templates in Ember.js promote a separation of concerns between the UI and the underlying application logic, making it easier to maintain and update complex user interfaces.”