What is the use of the Eloquent cursor() method in Laravel?

The cursor method allows us to iterate through our database using a cursor, which will only execute a single query. While processing large amounts of data, the cursor method may be used to reduce your memory usage greatly.


foreach (Product::where(‘name’, ‘bar’)->cursor() as $flight) {
//make some stuff

In Laravel, the cursor() method provided by Eloquent is used to retrieve a set of results from the database one at a time, without loading the entire result set into memory at once. This is particularly useful when dealing with large datasets, as it can help improve performance and reduce memory consumption.

When you use cursor(), Laravel fetches the records from the database in chunks, and then iterates over each record one by one. This means that only a small portion of the dataset is kept in memory at any given time, making it more efficient for processing large amounts of data.

Here’s a summary of the main benefits and use cases of the cursor() method:

  1. Memory Efficiency: Since the records are fetched and processed one at a time, it reduces the memory footprint compared to loading the entire dataset into memory.
  2. Performance: Especially beneficial for large datasets, as it reduces the time and resources required for fetching and processing records.
  3. Streaming: Allows you to process large datasets in a more streaming-like manner, which can be useful for tasks such as data transformation, exporting data, or generating reports.
  4. Convenience: Provides a convenient way to iterate over large result sets without worrying about memory constraints or performance issues.

In summary, the cursor() method in Laravel’s Eloquent ORM is a powerful tool for efficiently processing large datasets while maintaining good performance and low memory usage.