What is the use of the Wildcard route in Angular 8?

In Angular 8, the Wildcard route is used to define the route of pages. You can make specific changes/updates while defining the route using Wildcard.

In Angular 8, the Wildcard route, also known as a fallback route, is used to handle routes that do not match any predefined routes in the application’s route configuration. It is denoted by ‘**’ in the route configuration.

The primary use of the Wildcard route is to display a specific component or redirect the user to a default page when the requested URL doesn’t match any routes defined in the application. This is particularly useful for implementing a “404 Not Found” page or handling any other unexpected routes gracefully.

Here’s an example of how to define a Wildcard route in Angular 8:

const routes: Routes = [
{ path: 'home', component: HomeComponent },
{ path: 'about', component: AboutComponent },
{ path: '**', component: NotFoundComponent } // Wildcard route

In this example, if the user navigates to a URL that doesn’t match any of the defined routes like /contact, /products, or any other arbitrary URL, Angular will display the NotFoundComponent, which could be a custom “404 Not Found” page.

So, in an Angular 8 interview, you would want to emphasize that the Wildcard route is used to handle unspecified routes and provide a graceful way to handle such scenarios in an Angular application.