What is conversion rate in PPC?

Conversion rates can be calculated by taking the number of conversions and dividing them by the total ad clicks. For example: If you get 5 conversion from 100 clicks, so your conversion rate is 5%. In the context of PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising, the conversion rate refers to the percentage of users who take a desired … Read more

What is Google Adwords?

Google Adwords is the most popular PPC advertising system in the world. It follows Pay Per Click model. The AdWords platform facilitates website owners to create ads that appear on Google search engine and their other properties. For a digital marketing interview question about Google AdWords, here’s a concise and informative answer: “Google AdWords, now … Read more

What are the main factors that can affect PPC bidding?

Following are some factors that can affect PPC bidding: The budget of the advertiser. The time-span of advertisement. The popularity of the keyword. How competitive your keywords are In a digital marketing interview, when asked about the main factors that can affect PPC (Pay-Per-Click) bidding, you could provide a comprehensive answer covering various aspects. Here’s … Read more

How many ways are there to determine the charges for PPC?

There are two ways to determine the charges for PPC: PPC Bidding: In this method, an amount is specified by the advertiser to go for a bid. The advertiser specifies a maximum amount which he is ready to pay for each time a user clicks on ad. This method is also called max CPC. This … Read more

What do you know about PPC?

PPC stands for Pay Per Click. It is a digital marketing method in which an advertiser has to pay to the publisher for each click on the links of his website. It is also known as Cost Per Click (CPC). PPC is associated with Google AdWords or Microsoft Bing Ads. PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click, which … Read more