Is it possible to have two ng-app directives for a single Angular application?

No, there can’t be more than one ng-app directive for a single AngularJS application.

The ng-app directive helps AngularJS application to make sure that it is the root element. In our HTML document, we can have only one ng-app directive. If there is more than one ng-app directive, then whichever appears first will be used.


No, in AngularJS, it is not possible to have two ng-app directives for a single Angular application. The ng-app directive is used to bootstrap an Angular application and should only be used once in the HTML document. It defines the root element of the Angular application.

If you attempt to use multiple ng-app directives, AngularJS will throw an error, and the application may not behave as expected. The correct approach is to have a single ng-app directive at the root of your HTML document, and if you need to divide your application into smaller components, you can use AngularJS modules to encapsulate different parts of your application.

For Angular (versions 2 and above), the concept of ng-app has been replaced with a dynamic bootstrapping mechanism, and multiple applications can coexist on a page. Each application is typically associated with a separate Angular module, and you use the ngModule attribute to define them.