How can someone set, get, and clear cookies in AngularJS?

AngularJS has a module known as ngCookies. Before we inject ngCookies, we should include angular-cookies.js into the application. Set Cookies We can use the put method to set cookies in a key-value format. $cookies.put(“username”, $scope.username); Get Cookies We can use the get method to get cookies. $cookies.get(‘username’); Clear Cookies We can use the remove method … Read more

How are AngularJS prefixes $ and $$ used?

$$ prefix in AngularJS is used as a private variable, as it is responsible for preventing accidental code collision with the user code. Whereas, $ prefix is used to define angular core functionalities such as variable, parameter, property or method, etc. In AngularJS, the $ and $$ prefixes are conventionally used for specific purposes: $ … Read more

Is AngularJS well-suited with all browsers?

Yes, AngularJS is supported with all the browsers like Safari, Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, and Internet Explorer, etc. It is also companionable with mobile browsers. AngularJS, the original version of Angular, is designed to work well with most modern browsers. However, there might be some compatibility issues with older browsers, especially those that do not support … Read more

What is the Global API in AngularJS?

Global API is the combination of global JavaScript function, which is used to perform tasks such as comparing objects, iterating objects, and converting the data. There are a few common API functions like: angular.lowercase It is used to convert a string to lowercase string. angular.uppercase It is used to convert a string to uppercase string. … Read more

Explain the compilation process of AngularJS?

Angular’s HTML compiler allows us to teach the browser, new HTML syntax. It also allows the developer to attach new behavior or attributes to any HTML element known as directives. AngularJS compilation process automatically takes place in the web browser. It does not contain any server-side or pre-compilation procedure. AngularJS uses <$compiler> service for the … Read more