What do you know about internationalization? How will you implement internationalization in AngularJS?

Internationalization is the method for showing locale-specific information on a website. Consider a website displaying content in the English language in the United States and Danish in France.

AngularJS has inbuilt internationalization support for three types of filters:

  • Currency
  • Date
  • Numbers
    We need to incorporate the corresponding JS according to the locale of the country. By default, it is configured to handle the locale of the browser.
  • AngularJS, the JavaScript framework developed by Google, provides support for internationalization (i18n) to make applications accessible and adaptable for users from different regions and languages. Here’s a brief overview of internationalization in AngularJS:

    Internationalization in AngularJS:

    1. AngularJS Directives: AngularJS has built-in directives to handle internationalization. The primary directive for this purpose is ngLocale, which helps in formatting dates, numbers, and currencies based on the user’s locale.
    2. AngularJS Filters: Filters in AngularJS can be used to format and manipulate localized data. For example, the date filter can be used to display dates in a format specific to the user’s locale.
      {{ currentDate | date:’medium’ }}
    3. AngularJS Services: AngularJS provides the $locale service, which allows you to access information about the current locale and configure it dynamically. You can use this service to set the locale, affecting how dates, numbers, and currencies are formatted.
      app.controller(‘MyController’, [‘$scope’, ‘$locale’, function($scope, $locale) {
      $locale.id = ‘your-locale-id’; // Set the desired locale
    4. AngularJS Modules: When defining AngularJS modules, you can include the ngLocale module to enable internationalization support.
      var app = angular.module(‘myApp’, [‘ngLocale’]);
    5. External Libraries: For more advanced internationalization features, you might consider using external libraries like angular-translate or angular-gettext. These libraries provide additional tools and capabilities for managing translations and localization in AngularJS applications.

    Implementation Steps:

    1. Configure Locale: Set the desired locale using the $locale service.
    2. Use Directives and Filters: Apply ngLocale and utilize AngularJS directives and filters for formatting localized content.
    3. Translate Content: Utilize external libraries or custom solutions for managing translations of text content.
    4. Dynamic Updates: Ensure that the application can dynamically switch between locales, allowing users to choose their preferred language.
    5. Testing: Thoroughly test the application with different locales to ensure proper functionality and a seamless user experience.

    Remember that AngularJS is an older framework, and newer versions of Angular (Angular 2 and above) have a more robust internationalization and localization system, including the @angular/localize package. If starting a new project, it’s recommended to consider using a more recent version of Angular for better support and features