What IDE’s are currently used for the development of AngularJS?

A term IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. There are some IDE’s given below which are used for the development of AngularJS:

  • Eclipse
    It is one of the most popular IDE. It supports AngularJS plugins.
  • Visual Studio
    It is an IDE from Microsoft that provides a platform to develop web apps easily and instantly.
  • WebStorm
    It is one of the most powerful IDE for modern JavaScript development. It provides an easier way to add dependencies with angular CLI.
  • Aptana
    It is a customized version of Eclipse. It is free to use.
  • Sublime Text
    It is one of the most recommendable editors for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is very much compatible with AngularJS code.
  • AngularJS, the JavaScript framework, is considered outdated as of my last knowledge update in January 2022. However, if you are referring to Angular (the successor to AngularJS), which is currently a popular front-end framework, the choice of IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) can vary based on personal preferences.

    As of my last update, some commonly used IDEs for Angular development include:

    1. Visual Studio Code (VSCode): A lightweight and powerful code editor with excellent support for Angular development through extensions.
    2. WebStorm: A powerful IDE developed by JetBrains, known for its robust support for web development, including Angular.
    3. Sublime Text: A versatile text editor with a variety of plugins, including those for Angular development.
    4. Atom: A hackable text editor with a vibrant community and various packages for Angular development.
    5. Eclipse: While historically known for Java development, Eclipse has plugins like Angular IDE that offer Angular support.
    6. IntelliJ IDEA: Another IDE from JetBrains, similar to WebStorm, providing strong support for Angular development.

    Remember that developers may also use simpler editors like Notepad++, Brackets, or others depending on personal preferences. The key is to have an editor that supports JavaScript and TypeScript, along with good features for web development.

    It’s essential to keep in mind that the popularity of IDEs can change, and new tools may emerge. Always check for the latest information based on the current date