What is the factory method in AngularJS?

Factory method is used for creating a directive. Whenever the compiler matches the directive for the first time, the factory method is invoked. Factory method is invoked using $injector.invoke.


module.factory(‘factoryName’, function);

In AngularJS, the term “factory method” is often associated with the creation of services. A factory method is a function that produces and returns a service object. Services in AngularJS are singletons, meaning they are instantiated only once and can be reused throughout the application.

Here’s a basic example of using a factory method to create a service:

angular.module(‘myApp’).factory(‘myService’, function() {
var service = {};

service.someFunction = function() {
// Functionality of the service

return service;

In this example, the factory method is used to define a service named ‘myService’. The function passed to factory is the factory method that returns the service object (service in this case). The service object can then have various functions and properties that are accessible throughout the AngularJS application.

It’s worth noting that in modern versions of Angular (Angular 2 and above), the concept of services still exists, but the syntax and structure have evolved. The use of factory has been replaced with @Injectable decorators and dependency injection