What is the main purpose of find index in AngularJS, and what does it return if no value is found?

Find index is used to return the position of an element. It returns the value (-1) if the requested element is not found. var index = $scope.items.findIndex(record => record.date ==’2018-12-12′); In the given code, index of the object is returned where item.date=2018-12-12. In AngularJS, there is no specific “find index” function as part of the … Read more

How will you explain the concept of hierarchy? How many scopes can an application have?

Each Angular application contains one root scope, but there can be several child scopes. The application may have multiple scopes because child controllers and some directives create new child scopes. When the new scope is formed or created, it is added as a child of the parent scope. As similar to DOM, scopes also create … Read more

What is the factory method in AngularJS?

Factory method is used for creating a directive. Whenever the compiler matches the directive for the first time, the factory method is invoked. Factory method is invoked using $injector.invoke. Syntax module.factory(‘factoryName’, function); In AngularJS, the term “factory method” is often associated with the creation of services. A factory method is a function that produces and … Read more

What do you know about injector?

An injector is referred to as a service locator. It is used to receive object instances as defined by the providers, invoke methods, instantiate types, and load modules. Each Angular application consists of a single injector which helps to look upon an instance by its name. In AngularJS, the injector is a core component of … Read more

What do you understand by linking function? Explain its type.

Link is used for combining the directives with a scope and producing a live view. The link function is used for registering DOM listeners as well as updating the DOM. The linking function is executed as soon as the template is cloned. There are two types of linking function: Pre linking function Pre-linking functions are … Read more